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Crisis management

If you, a colleague or your business is facing negative publicity in the media, you might want to bury your head in the sand.

While some issues will go away, others will need a considered approach to minimise reputational damage.

Our team of experienced and qualified crisis communications experts will know exactly what to do – and sometimes, the best advice is to do nothing.

From handling the communications around director indiscretions, accidents at work, supply chain problems and data breaches to delivering news about redundancies and other negative news, we’ve handled it all.

Using utmost confidentiality, we’ll help you manage your internal and external communications to minimise any damage to you and the reputation of your business.

Being prepared for a crisis is good business practice. We can develop a Crisis Response Protocol specifically for your organisation, to ensure everyone in your team knows what to do – and what not to do – when faced with a crisis.

We can then stress test the protocol by running desktop exercises in which a variety of crisis scenarios are played out and weaknesses in response identified.

Whatever your internal or external communications brief or challenge, let us help.

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