Keeping it local
We’ve worked with Altrincham Unlimited since it was first launched (in fact, we named it as we thought it’s official title, Altrincham Business Improvement District, was a bit of a mouthful!).
Anyway, amongst other things, we design their Annual Report. You’d think that after 12 months of virtual lockdown, there wouldn’t be much activity to report. Nothing could be further from the truth!
In fact, trying to fit all the text and imagery into the allocated 12-pages – without compromising design standards – presented our team with quite a challenge.
Needless to say, they did it. The report is a fascinating insight into what goes on (often behind the scenes) to keep a mixed economy suburban town vibrant and prosperous.
The work of Altrincham Unlimited contributes hugely to the success of our town, which was recently named ‘Best Place to Live (North West)’ by The Times for the second year running.
Do you need to liven up an Annual Report? Get in touch.