About RMS

Thoughtful and considered. Creative and original.
We have been helping established and fast-growing businesses with their internal and external communications for over 30 years.
Whoever you want to reach – prospects, employees, existing or dormant customers – we have the expertise to develop and implement successful strategies to ensure they receive the right messages about you.
Independent and proud.
As an independent agency, the buck stops with us. We succeed or fail by the quality of advice and service we deliver to clients.
Yes, we’ve won lots of awards for our work. Of greater importance to us is the fact that clients stay and actively recommend RMS. They trust us. They know we can be relied upon to give best advice and deliver excellent results, whatever their objectives.
We’re also pretty easy to get along with.
Expertise is one thing. The way it is delivered is another.
These are our values.
They influence the way we work with clients and each other.
Alongside a healthy mix of complementary skills, the RMS team has an interesting mix of personalities. Some of us are measurement geeks, others have heads bursting with creative ideas.
What we all have in common is a passion for delivering great work.